Our care center remains open and we offer consultations adapted to our patients respecting the distancing protocols. So :
Appointments will be made within 48 hours;
A questionnaire on your state of health will precede this appointment;
A principle of sanitary distancing will be applied;
Consultations are carried out by students in their 4th or 5th year of training at CEESO Lyon; they are therefore at the end of their course, supervised by an osteopath with more than 5 years of professional experience.
(*) Thank you for presenting yourself with the exact supplement (by check or cash) as well as with your pen.

Reasons for consultation
A sedentary lifestyle is the main characteristic of confinement:
Anxiety, stress, sleep disorders due to this unprecedented situation that is difficult for some to understand. Concentration problems can also develop if a sedentary lifestyle is linked to a lot of screen time (television, computer and other tablets).
Musculoskeletal disorders : At home it is difficult to have a fitted workstation which often leads to bad postures : in the sofa on a coffee table without changing position regularly. You feel more pain (joint and/or muscle)
Digestive disorder : By moving less and eating as much or even more, transit is more difficult and is disturbed causing stomach aches from acidity…
Vascular disorders heavy legs tingling varicose veins. Lack of mobility leading to blood circulation disorders. The increase in sedentary lifestyle therefore increases the cardiovascular risk in a non-negligible way.
The treatment
Movement is life !
Osteopathy aims to restore mobility to the whole body....
After an interrogation on the disorders caused by the confinement on you, the therapist will carry out the necessary tests to evaluate the origin of these disorders / pains, then he will evaluate the links of cause and effect and will carry out an adapted personalized treatment. .
You will reclaim your body, feeling all your blockages as closely as possible and thus, after this first approach, we will be able to guide you towards health autonomy....
Faced with the unprecedented health situation, we have put in place exceptional measures, accompanied by specific precautions, in order to welcome you in the best conditions :
Personalized welcome (provision of gel, forehead temperature measurement)
Waiting room reorganized to respect the distance
Secure traffic plan
Wearing of masks by our practitioners, to protect you and protect yourself
Reinforced disinfection.


Before the consultation
Take note of the signage in place and the reception instructions
Respect the distance of one meter with other patients
Come unaccompanied, unless necessary
Be punctual to avoid long waits in the waiting room
Wash your hands before and after your consultation
Come with your mask
Bring your own pen.
The consultation lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour and takes place in three stages:
The interrogation allows the collection of the patient's medical anamnesis, to specify the history of the pain and if necessary the evolution since the last consultation. It is also the first time of meeting in the therapeutic relationship during which the student will collect your informed consent necessary for any treatment in our application clinic.
The clinical examination consists of carrying out a series of medical and osteopathic tests. The medical examination, linked to the elements of the interview, makes it possible to verify whether the problem falls within the scope of osteopathic care or whether the patient should be referred to another professional. Osteopathic tests make it possible to determine the suffering tissue(s) and the origin of this dysfunction(s).
The treatment uses different techniques of manipulation and mobilization in order to release and relieve the structures and tissues, and thus allow the body to self-regulate and restore its mode of operation.